28-11-23 | Marvel’s buxom barbarian turns fifty! Red Sonja, the superb female spin-off of Conan the Barbarian, is returning to comic book stores with a special steampunk adventure. Mechanical surroundings of the type that would make Jules Verne proud were introduced to Sonja’s world several years ago, when she crossed over with the world of Legenderry. Red Sonja and steampunk were such a good fit that the redheaded warrior returns to the Nautilus for a 50th anniversary special next week.
‘When last we saw the Legenderry world’s Red Sonja, she was living the pirate’s life aboard her ship, The Nautilus. But times have changed! In this special 40-page one-shot adventure – created exclusively for Red Sonja’s 50th Anniversary – fan-favorite writer Katana Collins weaves a tale of thievery, deception, and a mysterious painting with a decidedly handsome and unaging owner – all set against the steam-powered backdrop of the Legenderry world!’
Dynamite celebrated Red Sonja’s five decades of success with a new series this summer. Evidently the party is far from over. Because steampunk themed Legenderry Red Sonja is out next week. And if it’s pure female barbarity you prefer: Red Sonja and Savage Sonja are still going strong as well. Or why not retrace Sonja’s early adventures instead, through Dynamite’s impressive series of Marvel reprints in the Adventures of Red Sonja Omnibus range.