25-06-23 | With spring officially coming to an end, it’s time to look back at the biggest news stories of this season. A chance to reacquaint yourself with new releases and an opportunity to catch up with news stories you might have missed. Be sure to click the links to read the full articles!

And that includes the stories we failed to report! Two such stories broke when Peter Pan Comics was just starting out, namely the allegations of domestic abuse against Jonathan Majors and the ousting of Victoria Alonsa at Marvel Studios. Majors first appeared in Ant-Man: Quantumania, which kicked off Phase 5 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. His character, the villainous Kang, was to play a key part in the new story arc. A return to the role has become unlikely due to widely reported allegations of violent behaviour. Producer Victoria Alonso was fired soon after. The assumption was that she was scapegoated for the poor reception of Quantumania, but there are strong indications her presence at Marvel Studios aided in creating a toxic work environment.
A theme which is hotter than ever in the world of comics, as creators speak out against crippling working conditions at major publishers such as Marvel Comics and DC Comics. Artists took to Twitter, after the tragic death of illustrator Ian McGinty due to overwork. Publishers, it appears, underpay and overwork their creators, bullying them into submission and denying them the royalties they are due. Writer David Lasky relates how his ‘graphic novel WON the Eisner Award. After finishing our book, my co-author and I were broke. I went back to work for a bakery.’ A low point for artist Siobhan Chiffon was: ‘having my mother almost pass away and begging to take time off to fly out and be at her bedside, and my editors said nah.’

On to happier news. Several landmark issues of DC Comics were released this spring, namely Batman #900, The Flash #800 and Wonder Woman #800. Incredible achievements all around for three series about to be rebooted in conjunction with the upcoming Dawn of DC story arc. Batman in particular is in fine form, leading the Bat-Men of Gotham storyline in which an unknown outsider fills in for Bruce Wayne during his absence. Elsewhere The Flash celebrates Wally West’s legacy as the speeding superhero, while Wonder Woman is joined by a new character: none other than Diana’s daughter.
Lots of exciting news in the world of film and television. Harry Potter is to return in the shape of a fully fledged VOD series. Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone will premiere on HBO Max several years from now, followed by a new book adaptation each subsequent season. The longer format will allow the stories to unfold much as they do in the books of J.K. Rowling, who (controversial to some) is actively involved in production. The Star Wars universe is back on it’s feet too. It’s been several years since Star Wars was seen on the big screen. Now three new features have been announced, including one centred around Daisy Ridley’s Rey. We failed to report this at the time, be we did feature the announcement of Sith series The Acolyte, coming to Disney+.

Spring 2023 marks the birth of Peter Pan Comics in it’s online incarnation. Our very first webcomic, Cosplay Girl follows the adventures of a young superheroine with the power to transform her appearance. This was followed by Count Floris, a jolly romp throughout ancient lands filled with ghouls and goblins. Finally, Bolt-Man & Volt-Girl invokes the spirit of sixties Batman, with simple yet charming superhero stories. And next week we announce the fourth free webcomic coming to Peter Pan Comics. Stay tuned! Our trip to Elfia Fantasy Fair 2023, the premiere fantasy convention in the Netherlands, led to some incredible encounters with beautiful cosplay models. Nine free photosets are online right now and there’s plenty more to follow in the weeks to come!
So there you have it! Marvel is in trouble on the big screen, while DC Comics celebrates several landmark issues. There’s lot of cool series and films to look forward too, included a new Harry Potter show. Whether the Twitter trend #ComicsBrokeMe has the power to change the industry remains to be seen, but for the love of art and artists we sure hope so! Keep supporting Peter Pan Comics for more free webcomics, articles and fine cosplay models! See you next season!
NEWS : Angry Comic Creators Trending on Twitter
NEWS : 900th Issue of Batman
NEWS : 800th Issue of The Flash
NEWS : Wonder Woman Debuts Big Character in 800th Issue
NEWS : Harry Potter Tv Series Confirmed
NEWS : Disney+ Confirms Sith Series is in the Works
COMICS : Cosplay Girl
COMICS : Count Floris
COMICS : Bolt-Man & Volt-Girl
COSPLAY : Elfia Fantasy Fair 2023